In our experience of working with the two tribal-rural blocks of Udaipur district - Kotra and Gogunda, and East Delhi, we have observed and studied that the majority of the population is dependent on rain-fed agriculture, daily wage labour and transport as means of livelihood. The impact of the lock down, imposed due to the COVID - 19 pandemic left these families jobless and income less. The communities of Kotra, Gogunda and East Delhi have been loving, kind, supportive and welcoming. It is now for us to be there for them in solidarity, support, love and compassion.
A Note: Sincere gratitude to all the supporters who stood by us and helped us mitigate the impact of COVID-19 last year. With all of your support we were able to facilitate dry ration, safety kits and awareness for more than 6000+ families and collectively reaching more than 25000 people.